Brigitta Imam Rahayoe

Brigitta Imam Rahayoe

Brigitta Imam Rahayoe Managing Partner Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Established BRIGITTA I. RAHAYOE & PARTNERS (sebelumnya BOB&P), setelah lebih dari satu dekade hubungan dengan Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro. Dia adalah lulusan hukum Universitas Indonesia jurusan Hukum Perdata Internasional. Sebelum,…

Ahmad Fadli

Ahmad Fadli

Ahmad Fadli Senior Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Based in Jakarta, Fadli has experience in a wide variety of clients on all aspects of establishing or acquiring and operating a business in Indonesia. He advises multi-national companies on investment laws, the Company Law and…

Michael Giovanni

Michael Giovanni

Michael Giovanni Counsel Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Michael Giovanni has more than 15 years’ experience in advising both Indonesian and international clients on Corporate Commercial matters such us mergers & acquisitions, foreign direct investments, Usaha bersama / Joint Venture, liquidations and divestments for wide range of field industries….

Hetty Tumundo

Hetty Tumundo

Hetty Tumundo Senior Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : After more than 10 tahun sebagai Mitra di Kantor Hukum dan Konsultan Hukum Kusnandar & Co. dan Saroinsong, Tumundo & Mitra dan sebagai Senior Associate untuk Kantor Brigitta I. Rahayoe and Partners since…

Adiwidya Imam Rahayu

Adiwidya Imam Rahayu

Adiwidya Imam Rahayu Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Adiwidya is a corporate and commercial lawyer at Brigitta I. Rahayoe dan Mitra; prior to joining Our Law Firm he attended Bond University in Australia majoring in Business Commerce before finally decided to pursue his law…

Nurulita Fauzie

Nurulita Fauzie

Nurulita Fauzie Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Nurulita is a corporate and commercial lawyer at Brigitta I. Rahayoe dan Mitra. Her practice focuses on general corporate, hukum dagang, mining law, manpower law, and investment law in relation to the domestic and/or foreign investments. She

Pretty Women

Chantika Putri

Chantika Putri Junior Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Chantika is a corporate and commercial lawyer at Brigitta I. Rahayoe dan Mitra. Chantika works on a broad range of corporate and commercial matters and assists both Indonesian and foreign clients. She has experiences in advising…

Bayu Putra Widodo

Bayu Putra Widodo

Bayu Putra Widodo Junior Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030 Email : Bayu is a corporate and commercial lawyer at Brigitta I. Rahayoe & Partners, which covers broad range of corporate and commercial legal services and assists both domestic and foreign clients. During his time of practice,…

Michael Wibowo Joestiawan

Michael Wibowo Joestiawan

Michael Wibowo Joestiawan Junior Associate Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : + +6221 2788 9030 Email : Wibowo (Bowo), is a corporate and commercial lawyer at Brigitta I. Rahayoe & Partners. He works on a broad range of corporate and commercial legal services and assists both domestic and foreign clients….